Belitung as a popular destination now has a lot of dishes that can be enjoyed. In general, there are many tourists visiting Belitung who want to come to their charming beaches. The beaches in Belitung are indeed very beautiful and impressive for every visitor who comes. From here the name Belitung is then very closely related to beach attractions for the people who hear it. But if we want to explore Belitung deeper, then there will be treats other than the beach which turned out to be very interesting when explored. One interesting dish besides the beach that will make your holiday in Belitung more exciting and memorable is the dances.
Cheerful and Enthusiastic Tin Dance
There are many kinds of dances in Belitung. All of these dances have their own characteristics that are so compelling when witnessed. One of the interesting dances to watch in Belitung is the Mendulang Timah Dance. The Tin Mend Tari dance is indeed impressive because it is carried out in a group to make it more lively. Not only that, the dancers at the Mendulang Timah Dance looked so cheerful that the audience would be carried away by that joyful atmosphere.
A Dance Inspired by the Idea of Andrea Hirata
The dance that illustrates the life concerns of children in Belitung who are poor and dropped out of school is inspired by the idea of Andrea Hirata. It can also be said that the creator of the Mendulang Tin Dance is Andrea Hirata. Andrea Hirata himself was a writer of the phenomenal Laskar Pelangi novel, and then made a wide-screen version that was also booming. Andrea Hirata's concern for poor Belitung children and many who have dropped out of school due to working in tin mining is what later brought the Tim Mendulang Tin Dance. As we know that during the heyday of tin in Belitung many children sacrificed school and preferred to work in mining. When working in tin mining, these children themselves face many difficulties and dangers such as wallowing in the mud or snake pegged. Even though at first the wages of getting tin were large, over time the price of tin dropped dramatically, making them regret that they had spent a lot of time for their future. This is where Andrea Hirata lives and knows the days when many children mined tin and then presented the Mend Mend Timah Dance. From Andrea Hirata's initial idea where the number of dancers was only 15 people, then by several artists, especially artists graduated from ISI Yogyakarta who developed it. The results of the development of the artists on Andrea Hirata's initial idea then made the Tin Mendulang Dance become more colossal.
Belitong Lesong Batang Dance Studio Creation Dance
The complete Mendulang Timah dance was finally created from the creations of the Belitong Lesong Batang Dance Studio, Lesung Batang Village, Tanjungpandan District, Belitung Regency. The dance itself was created to describe the tin mining activities which were the main activities of the Belitung people in ancient times. Belitung's history or history cannot be separated from tin mining activities. The reason is here since 1852, tin has begun to be explored by mining.
The Lead Dance of Clinging Tin Closer to the Belitung People's Life
As a commodity and agricultural product in Belitung that is in great demand, Timah was so pervasive in the lives of the Belitung people. So not a few then the people who work or work as tin miners. Not only from adults, but children also often work to mine tin. Even when the Timah District Court and the tin triumph in Belitung were gone, some community groups still mined tin. So from the close life of tin miners in Belitung, Andrea Hirata created a dance called Tim Mendulang Timah which was later developed and performed by the Belitong Lesong Batang Dance Studio, Lesung Batang Village, Tanjungpandan District, Belitung Regency. For this reason, this dance will strongly illustrate the traditional tin panning activities that were once carried out by the Belitung people.
Preparation Before The Dance Begins
The Tin Mend Tari dance does look very attractive. This is because the dance is performed by children and teen dancers with great joy. In addition to dancers who are generally among teenage boys, the large number of dancers to hundreds makes the Tin Mendulang Dance feel so lively. These dancers when performing the dance will only wear shorts without clothes. Not only that, the bodies of the dancers who are without clothes will be covered in colorful mud before performing. The colorful mud that sticks to the dancers' bodies comes from a mixture of kaolin and cake coloring. From here you can already see how festive and exciting the Mendulang Timah Dance is. Other equipment that needs to be prepared to do this dance is a pan which is a tool to wash tin.
The Leading Tin Dance Movement
After the preparations have been completed, the Tin Mendulang Dance will be immediately performed. The dancers, many from children to teenage boys, will carry out panning movements. Regarding the movements in the Tin Mendulang Dance is somewhat attractive. Coupled with the voices and shouts of the dancers, making this dance increasingly noisy. In doing the dance, one by one the children run to the field and then make a circle and make panning movements using a tool in the form of a pan carried. In addition to being fairly attractive, the Mendulang Timah dance is so compact. And certainly from the enthusiasm and cheerfulness that is presented by the dancers make anyone who sees it will be enthusiastic and several times it is not impossible that the audience will laugh watching his cuteness.
Lead Ballet Dance Performance
You can witness the Mendulang Timah dance at several events in Belitung such as the Belitung Beach Festival held at Tanjung Pendam Beach some time ago or also the Laskar Pelangi Festival which was held in 2015. During the Laskar Pelangi Festival held in August 2015 at Tanjung Beach In this height alone, the Mendulang Timah dance received enormous attention from the audience. Even foreign audiences were amazed by the dance that is now always displayed on various events in Belitung. Even more impressive was the Mendulang Timah dance on the Laskar Pelangi Festival agenda, making the dance placed as the top of a series of cultural arts performances from the Belitung community.