Tur ini khusus untuk mejelajahi hutan dan daratan di Belitung. Tidak hanya pantai, tempat-tempat terpencil di hutan Belitung juga menarik untuk dijelajahi. Berikut ini beberapa tempat yang akan dikunjungi pada trip ini.
<b>Notes</b>: Kami akan menyediakan makan siang dalam kotak pada trip ini karena keterbatasan restoran yang ada didaerah yang akan anda kunjungi. Kue dan minuman akan kami sediakan selama perjalanan. </p>
Testimoni (542)
Ibu Santy nya responsif pokoknya TOP dech ibu kita yang satu ini xixixi.... ditambah support Bpk Kusumah juga mantul alias mantap betuuuuuul hahaha.... KOPI JANGGUT bikin saya kangen waktu itu saya cuma kabagian 1 gelas karena laris manis wkwkwk Balas
Great time
BalasHad a few mishaps but it was all part of the experience and we really enjoy it. Both lilly and Doni were excellent very friendly and helpful at all times.
And santika room is better than marriott. Bigger more and more food just lacking english abit but still better than marriott. Marriott more suited for western people as they can speak english better and have more generic western food for breakfast. Rooms much much smaller
Hope to see you again soon
Amazing trip. Thanks a lot to Belitungisland.com.
BalasWe are so happy with your superb and professional services, and impressed indeed with the beautiful Belitung island, friendly people, and delicious foods.
539 More Testimony